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Interview with it-Groms gnet bf 
16.06.2004 23:14 - Chris @ Norway 
Shortly after we announced that the next gNET.BF Cup would be open to all nationalities, incredible Teamaction Norwegen signed up. For us that was a good enough reason to find out why this norwegian Clan wanted to join this formerly swiss only league. We talked to it-Groms about norwegian e-sport, older Gamers and summer holidays.

Name:Tommy Granheim
Country:Norwegen Norway

gNET: What are the future goals for

it-Groms: I just hope that EA games will release a new patch that can give BF a new boost, and even better if it gets more professional like Counter Strike. And tournaments like gamersNET is a step in the right direction.

Incredible teamaction

gNET: Hi Groms, please introduce yourself to the swiss community.

it-Groms: Hello, well my name is Tommy Granheim, I'm 27 years old and I am form Norway. I've played battlefield since it got out and until now is the best game ever.

gNET: With your 27 years of age, you're a bit older than the average swiss gamer. What's the average age in incredible teamaction?

it-Groms: Well when you got players around my age they are more dedicated and maybe smarter :P

gNET: What are the future goals for

it-Groms: I just hope that EA games will release a new patch that can give BF a new boost, and even better if it gets more professional like Counter Strike. And tournaments like gamersNET is a step in the right direction.

gNET: What do expect from the gNET.BF Cup and what made clan-it join this cup?

it-Groms: I Just hope that is pro and fun. We've got a german CL, so we are always looking for new tournaments and it would be fun to play in something other then a Scandinavian league.

gNET: You also have a very successful cs-clan, fighting under incredible teamactions flag with for example Luke, who played for eolithic, as well as a great WC3 team. Are the sponsor funds equally divided throughout the bf, cs and WC3 teams?

it-Groms: Since we are new to Incredible Teamaction we need to prove that we are good. So in the future we will play on lans around Europe

gNET: Clan-it has been covered in all major Newspapers and even on national tv. Have these coverages brought you any further sponsors?

it-Groms: We got something going on but the CL doesn't want to tell us before they are signed, so we just have to wait and see.

gNET: Is e-sports an accepted sport in Norway like it is in large parts of Asia?

it-Groms: Just in CS, so we all hope that Incredible Teamaction will bring eSport in to Norway.

gNET: The larger events, like the CPL, ESWC or WCG do not support BF. Why do you think this is and do you feel this might change with BF2?

it-Groms: Just maybe EAgames have not made a good game yet that can beat Battlefield 1942, but I do hope that Battlefield 2 will change this.

gNET: Does train alot or are you all naturally high-skilled gamers?

it-Groms: We play around 4-5 matches every week when we are at the top. But now with the summer break we are down to 2 matches.

gNET: A lot of Clans have a summer break. Will also take some time off from fragging to enjoy some time at the fjord, eating shrimps watching the beautiful Norwegian girls strolling around in bikini?

it-Groms: Sure we need a summer break like everybody else, but we do hope to keep a semi activity all summer.

gNET: Good luck in the Cup and thanks for your time, Groms. If you have any shout-outs this is right time :)

it-Groms: GL to all teams and may the best team win. :)

Interviewer: gNET|TanteJutta

0 pts #1: Chris @ Norway  @ 16.06.2004 23:27
Now all go and spam his Guestbook ;)

0 pts #2: pOluX @ 16.06.2004 23:38

0 pts #3: [deleted] @ 16.06.2004 23:49
nice :)

0 pts #4: epsYlone`inaktiv @ 16.06.2004 23:50
LOL ^^ n1 Jutta

0 pts #5: RANDOM Roody  @ 16.06.2004 23:58

0 pts #6: [LF]Dave @ 17.06.2004 00:04

0 pts #7: venX @ 17.06.2004 00:07
cool ;p

0 pts #8: Vermeer @ 17.06.2004 07:46

0 pts #9: q.e.d.charas @ 17.06.2004 07:57
gueti sach, schint vou easy z si :)
(igh ha i sis gb gspammed =) )

0 pts #10: coyotE  @ 17.06.2004 08:03

0 pts #11: [deleted] @ 17.06.2004 08:18
Will also take some time off from fragging to enjoy some time at the fjord, eating shrimps watching the beautiful Norwegian girls strolling around in bikini? <<--- LOOOOOOOOL geili frog ...shrimps haha ^^

0 pts #12: G-News  @ 17.06.2004 11:14
how about watching the shrimps and eating the girls?

0 pts #13: Chris @ Norway  @ 17.06.2004 11:37
Hahaha G-News :D

0 pts #14: SharkyXTS  @ 17.06.2004 12:56
Good job gamersNET :).

0 pts #15: gNET| » DLS.sQ @ 17.06.2004 23:11

how about watching the shrimps and eating the girls?

hehe bensch, seisch hesch chli die kanibaistischi phase? :D

summerpouse RRules :D

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