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Neues aus dem Internationalen Geschehen! cs 
17.02.2005 14:30 - kalk
Die weiteren Details seht ihr unter mehr !
Nachdem bereits whiMp das Team von Dänemark The Titans auf Grund seines Studiums verlassen hat , gab nun auch KK seinen Rücktritt bekannt. Damit verlieren The Titans einen der besten CS Spieler von Dänemark. Das neue 5-Mann Roster von The Titans.

Dänemark eGene
Dänemark Drally
Dänemark Eraz
Dänemark spx
Dänemark calc

Hier das Interview von Das Interview wurde ins Englische übersetzt.

People will most likely drop their jaw due to you leaving Denmarks biggest international hope, The Titans - Why are you leaving?

I guess most people will be surprised, but it's been comming for some time. I am lacking the will to practise 5 hours a day 5-6 days a week, as well as I feel I have achieved what I set out to do.

Will you be quitting all gaming or will we still see you
around waiting for a good offer?

I wont be leaving the community, but I will only attend Danish LAN's along with friends. Main goal is spend less time and have more fun.

What is your best memory of being a Titan?

Our ESWC-victory, but I have been a part of The Titans for quite a while now losing players, adding players ... I feel quite aged in The Titans history, but I do not regret a single thing, as it has probably been the best learning experience in my life so far, both as a player and person.

How will you spend all the spare time usually spent practising?

I have really missed hanging out with friends, as well as I will give my education the attention it deserves. We practise 18-23 which drains you a lot - something I just can't do anymore.

Many think of you as being the most important player in The Titans being the team captain - any idea what the team will do now?

I have called the strats in Titans more or less from the first day I joined the team. They got the 4 best players in Denmark when they are playing their best due to their massive international experience. It will take some time to put together new strategies and decide who shall call them, but I am sure they will go on without me ... They are die hard fighters that does not quit when the going gets tough.

You probably have a few shoutouts, so go ahead

I got a lot and I will probably forget some ... First of all thanks to those who has been a part of The Titans along with myself to give me some of the biggest experiences in my life so far: Arjon, tuff, EraZ, whimp, eGene, Drally, spx, Onsberg, Uku and last but not least calc. It has been a real pleasure playing with all of the team. I do not wnat to hear anything concerning calc and team breaking up as that is not the case. calc has really surprised me in a good way - prejudice is nasty. Thanks to blane for being a real mate!

Auch calc gab seinen Kommentar zur ganzen Sache ab.

KK is without a doubt a very important piece of the puzzle, so with him and whimp no longer playing how are things within the team?

We are ok. KK stopping is a culmination of things having been messed up for some time now making him step back from international gaming. KK is a very good player as well as a great strat caller, but people have to remember that the team losing KK today is not the same team which won ESWC 2004. A lot has happended during the last 6-8 months and we're not on the verge of disbanding The Titans.

Any coments on the "OMFG calc killed another team"?

Not really, there will always be less intelligent people around :)

So what does future have in store for The Titans?

We will take a few days to discuss the situation and come up with a plan which might take some time. How people can even think that a team attending WCG Europe, ESWC 2005 and a promo-trip is dieing is something I just can not comprehend.

Evermore has had trouble recruiting Danish quality players - will we see foreing players joining The Titans?

I can not answer that, nor will I omit the possibility of a foreing player. We will go over things and hopefully we will all know more in time.

You seem very calm with a shootout in Forum this weekend and SHG Open comming up next weekend. Any idea how you will replace KK at these events?

The shootout is friday and we will attend with players from Sealand due to scheduling problems. We will be there with Starhydra, Airhead and rubiano (Thanks for helping out guys), but speaking of SHG we haven't made any decissions just yet. To answer your question, yes I'm very calm as I don't feel the need to make a big fuss about it. People should remember all the things KK has done for the team, instead of proclaiming the downfall of The Titans. It's a new era, nothing more to it :)

Der französische Clan Frankreich Against All Authority gab zwei Wechsel bekannt.
p1x3l wird ab sofort der Co-Leader neben Sunscorcher und Mareek .
Der Spieler R!Go wird durch ein altes Teammate von ZatO und ScariuM beim Clan Frankreich Factory ersetzt. Es handelt sich dabei um den Spieler KaRa. Ein Blick auf das neue Lineup.

Frankreich JoN1oP
Frankreich ScariuM
Frankreich ZatO
Frankreich KaRa
Frankreich MaT

Ein Interview auf französisch mit p1x3l findet ihr hier.

Der östereichische Clan Österreich plan-B hat sein eigenes Movie veröffentlicht. Die darin mitspielenden Spieler sind folgende:

Österreich Apathy
Österreich hades
Österreich omiKroN
Österreich pyr0
Österreich sesTe
Österreich Squad

Das Movie dauert ca. 11 Minuten und hat eine stolze Grösse von 355 MB. Hier sind einige Mirrors, wo man das Movie downloaden kann:

Mirror 1
Mirror 2
Mirror 3
Mirror 4

0 pts #1: playmore Roxor @ 17.02.2005 14:41
hmm... Plan-B rockt

0 pts #2: [deleted] @ 17.02.2005 14:43
TT gehn unter :(

apa \o/

0 pts #3: skV-graff  @ 17.02.2005 14:49
wer hät s pB movie scho gseh? ischs kuul ?

und quali?

0 pts #4: MYSOLFutures @ 17.02.2005 14:57
s esch n1, i fends emel no isi ^^ aber esch echt bezli gross :/

0 pts #5: [deleted] @ 17.02.2005 15:08
92% *wart

ein pB movie muss einfach geil sein! :)

0 pts #6: phIL``  @ 17.02.2005 15:33
jeah CRC Fehler ich chans grad nomal abelade

CRC FEHLER BEI MIRROR 2 --> Nicht benutzen!

0 pts #7: minimal addiction @ 17.02.2005 15:37
hm be mir ischs voll verbugt... fuck!

0 pts #8: [deleted] @ 17.02.2005 15:41
neuschte mediaplayer downe und es tuutet..

0 pts #9: Dr.Shogun back 2 roots @ 17.02.2005 15:50
er fendet das "Movie" eh nur geil wel zletscht die CALL ME fraue zgseh sind !! gäbets zue !!!! ich find sie au süess :-p "haha"

0 pts #10: JustPlay|dotcom_  @ 17.02.2005 15:52
ah phil du noob...crt fehler lit ned am mirror sondern a dim download :) chan ab und zue passiere...

0 pts #11: [deleted] @ 17.02.2005 16:01
dotcom \o/

0 pts #12: 370  @ 17.02.2005 16:13
s movie isch langwilig :) bis uf die szene vom spiel plan b vs crealogix ;( n00b outi

0 pts #13: phIL``  @ 17.02.2005 16:15
haha dotcom du nub heb doch de latz ;(

0 pts #14: darkij  @ 17.02.2005 16:15
huere komischs movie irgendwie ^^

0 pts #15: |tSk|madbush  @ 17.02.2005 16:22
s'movie findi jetzt nöd so dä hammer :/

0 pts #16: k0Bi  @ 17.02.2005 16:22
wie macht gnet werbung für socken? :X

0 pts #17: [deleted] @ 17.02.2005 16:24
i find ds movie no easy :P

0 pts #18: [deleted] @ 17.02.2005 18:04
titans goht putt :(

0 pts #19: VALLEYcala candineN   @ 17.02.2005 18:18

sound gfallt mir nid
frags sind zum teil alltagsfrags
aber hät au geili

inszinitione sind nid schlecht

wert= mittelmässig

0 pts #20: ibidäibidäibidä @ 17.02.2005 18:28
finge ds plan-B Movie no easy

sound fingi übrigens guet ;)

0 pts #21: VALLEYbergi^  @ 17.02.2005 19:47
der apathy isch meeeeeeega!

0 pts #22: [deleted] @ 17.02.2005 19:51
plan-B movie = voll schlechti version vo Hard Clan - Die Hard
also werklech. hans scho glöscht -.- de download esch es ned wärt, s intro s einzig einigermasse glongne, de rescht chansch in abfalleimer tue!

0 pts #23: Dr.Shogun back 2 roots @ 17.02.2005 19:55
alltags frags.. jo man basht ja alltag mtw , SK sharkz usw @ calanda... isch std..

0 pts #24: kalk @ 17.02.2005 21:52
gj ;) Nice Movie :D ^^ extrem PC Resourcen Fresser :D mein 800 AMD konnte das Movie nicht flüssig spielen :) somit ist es nun an der Zeit, einen neuen Rechner anzuschaffen :)

0 pts #25: VALLEYcala candineN   @ 18.02.2005 09:04
# naja han ez nid so gese...

aber mängisch gset me eifach 2 headshots wo us 3 minute dauerfeuer entstande sind und so öbis geschieht halt öfters..

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