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Profil: shizzle my nizzle
Name: shizzle my nizzle
Tag: paskjfjnsp
IRC: #dark-ol, #D-C-P
* = Ligaspieler

The revolution is here - We are proud to announce our new roster. This new team contains of young players; and their potential/voltage is very high. Most of the gamers already played together in #dark-ol, but now they have turned into the next chapter and formed a new clan. But before they are getting into deep, they will prepare for some events, and after they've proved their teamskill, they will join an other clan as a squad. The main goals of the team are not known yet, but one thing is for sure: WE KILL YOU!


Vatos (C)

Name: Michael M.
Past: [ITF], redEyes, dark-ol
Description: Stable and calm player. Is known for handling much 1onX situations, and if he catches a good day, then everything is possible. Plus he is one of the apprentices of the famous legend KRM.


Name: zh Alex M.
Past: scepticism, addiCted, dark-ol
Description: Our very own player cheese just turned sixteen! He is very young, but neverthless, he already won a lot of tourneys in his short career. In-game, he shows his good AWP-Skills, and he really stays calm in 1on1 situations. So, he's a very important member of this team!


Name: Niki H.
Past: yankeeforce, dark-ol
Description: vex has a really well game-knowledge. He often takes 3 or even more opponents out of the game in the pistol-round. Also a big bonus is, that he can handle quite all weapons in CS, so he's a allrounder with lots of skills inside :) He's definetly a player, who preferes gaming on LAN; there he's always impressing with his crazy aimstyle!


Name: Dominik S.
Past: yankeeforce, dark-ol
Description: Neddy is also quite a good LAN-Player. His m4-spray-skills are comparable with those of HeatoN. In the internet, he doesn't hit everything all the time, but on LAN, you are SO wasted when he tights out his spray-skills. He's also one of the famous dark-ol soldiers!


Name: ag Robin S. (not the DJ =p)
Past: scepticism, addiCted, dark-ol
Description: Cani is very important for this team: He is stable, and you can really count on him. Even when he has a bad day, he takes out at least one player each round. Some say, he's cheating on the internet, but his latest offline results prove the contrary.


Name: Tinu W.
Past: ITF, addiCted
Description: Wehrli is our man! He really is a cool guy to hangout with. He decided to join the team as an organizer, but we would choose him to help out if there is any space. We hope, that he won't leave us and stay together for a long time, we luv you :D
Reg. seit:10.12.2005
Anz. Member:1
Gespielte Saisons:1

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