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Die heutigen A/A Spiele cs 
21.12.2005 19:10 - silent`Goldi 
Heute Abend geht es um die Wurst. Wer heute gewinnt, qualifiziert sich f�r die Major League, welche im Februar beginnt. Jedoch auch die Verlierer werden noch Mals eine Chance auf ein Ticket bekommen um in der Major League zu spielen. N�mlich im Januar findet ein Cup statt, wo sich jedes Team anmelden kann und um die noch verf�gbaren Major-League-Tickets spielen kann. Einige spannende Spiele sind angesagt.

Backflash muss sich auf den Maps Inferno und Nuke gegen DESPERADOS! beweisen. Backflash welche schon l�nger zusammen spielen, haben einen kleinen Vorteil gegen�ber den DESPERADOS, welche mehrheitlich ein Mix-Team sind.

Das stark ausspielende welschen Team Shaka, welche einige gute Ergebnisse an der NetGame abliefern konnten, werden heute Abend ihr Gl�ck gegen die versuchen.

Dark-ol muss einige Lineup Wechsel ertragen, was ihnen heute Abend zum Verh�ngnis werden kann. Sie m�ssen gegen das noch nicht so bekannte Team Back to Life antreten.

Im letzten Spiel hat /Vefas ein weiteres Mal die Chance sich gegen durchzusetzen. Es ist nicht das erste A/A Spiel zwischen diesen beiden Teams.

- Backflash vs. DESPERADOS!
- ShaKa Team vs.
- b2L vs. dark-ol
- vs. /Vefas
  Counter-StrikeBackflash vs DESPERADOS

18.12., 20:00

Lineup:Backflash: cr0nite, Guardi, karli, IF, dan
DESPERADOS: wEazEl, Asharon, Hurdy, Beji, requiem
Resultat:Backflash [ 27 : 31 ] DESPERADOS
Backflash [ 5 : 7 ] DESPERADOS!
Backflash [ 6 : 6 ] DESPERADOS!
Backflash [ 8 : 4 ] DESPERADOS!
Backflash [ 5 : 7 ] DESPERADOS!
Backflash [ 1 : 2 ] DESPERADOS!
Backflash [ 1 : 2 ] DESPERADOS!
Backflash [ 1 : 2 ] DESPERADOS!
Backflash [ 0 : 1 ] DESPERADOS!
mir spilled nackt
Backflash oder wir werden gewinnen! Sche^sche.G_nonen

  Counter-StrikeShaKa Team vs.

ShaKa Team
21.12., 21:00
Lineup:ShaKa Team: CoOoL, F@n, JaY, fouiniii & pr0ph exe, forci, zeiti, modi, viper
ShaKa Team [ xx : xx ]
ShaKa Team [ xx : xx ]
ShaKa Team [ xx : xx ]
ShaKa Team [ xx : xx ]
Nous n'avons pas beaucoup jou� donc pr�par� ce match cette semaine, mais on en reste pas moin confiant. Nous sommes conscients de l'importance de ce match et savons que les NRC sont de bons joueurs, bien que le lineup ait bien chang�.
Mir h�nd �s super uf da spiel vorbereitet, will mir alli 5 die letzt wuche ferie gno h�nd f�rs gnet spiel. shaka wird sich nachm spiel ufl�se, meh gits dezue n�d zum s�ge

  Counter-Strikeb2L - Back To Life vs. dark-ol

b2L - Back To Life
18.12., 20:00

Lineup:b2l - Back To Life: ariK, niC, rovster, POWER , CLUDI
dark-ol: x,x,x,x,x
Resultat:b2l [ 27 : 19 ] dark-ol
b2L - Back To Life [ 12 : 0 ] dark-ol
b2L - Back To Life [ 4 : 8 ] dark-ol
b2L - Back To Life [ 5 : 7 ] dark-ol
b2L - Back To Life [ 8 : 4 ] dark-ol
-b2L. | ariK
a wir regelm�ssig trainiert haben und uns auf dieses Spiel einigermassen vorbereitet haben, erhoffen wir ein spannendes Match, welches zu Gunsten von uns ausgeht.
Heute Abend wird es wahrscheinlich der letzte Auftakt mit diesem lineup, da wir gerade etwas neues zusammenstellen. Trotzdem hoffen wir auf ein spannendes Spiel und w�nschen unseren heutigen Kontrahenten gl&hf.

  Counter-Strike/Vefas vs.

18.12., 21:00
Lineup:/Vefas: emerica, kr9sh, headZ, supgucci, sharkeli R4tt!, Bold1, B3Rt, Looser, KrasserAli
Resultat:/Vefas [ 18 : 25 ]
/Vefas [ xx : xx ]
/Vefas [ xx : xx ]
/Vefas [ xx : xx ]
/Vefas [ xx : xx ]
Das heutige A/A Spiel wird f�r uns kein Abstiegsspiel sein. In letzter Zeit konnten wir vermehrt gute trainings gegen sehr starke Clans gewinnen. Wir sind gut vorbereitet und �berlassen nichts dem Zufall. Viel Spass @ hydrate
Heute heisst der Gegner /Vefas. Nat�rlich haben wir uns so gut wie m�glich darauf vorbereitet. Die Chancen sind nicht allzu gross. Wir z�hlen auf unsere Luck und versuchen das Beste. eme & co hF & GL..

1 2 3 4 5 6 >
0 pts #150: Maniac-  @ 19.12.2005 21:15
agree #146, #147, #148 & #149

0 pts #151: BF.Neo @ 19.12.2005 21:23
hmm was schad isch bim neue system... teams wie nefas oder bf und ich bimmer sicher da gits au na anderi, w�rde en majorleague wohl besser vertr�te wie es b2l. chammer vordere?

0 pts #152: SkiLi @ 19.12.2005 21:26
Neo pls Ruhig.
Wenn �pis gege eus hesch de palts f�r dich.

0 pts #153: -GB-ar1k  @ 19.12.2005 21:26
b2l bi �s isch das geficke am afang au so gsi.. schweigend �ben und bashen ;)


0 pts #154: BF.Guardi`-  @ 19.12.2005 21:27
allerdings ich finds chli unfair gegen�ber de bessere clan's, da b2l
det nid w�rkli ine passed (klar hends gwunne, aber 5 vs 4 isch au nid w�rkli es spiel)

0 pts #155: MYSOLbaerlI @ 19.12.2005 21:31
i hope nrc never do a LAN cause they will have some little prob..

hihi da hend sich scho paar d z�h usbisse ;)

0 pts #156: rovster @ 19.12.2005 21:37
ohje... er hend dazumals au es 4on5 gege eus gwunne und zwar nur 14:16, also flamed nid @ BF ;)
Btw b2L isch 4. gsi....
I hoffe er hend jetzt euchi gross fresse zue BF, THX!
wi� mer eus schl�nd @ major, werde mer ja gseh... denn ch�nder ja wider flame :)

0 pts #157: SkiLi @ 19.12.2005 21:34
owned n1ce rovi. hahahahahahahaha

0 pts #158: xsq.FoRci @ 19.12.2005 21:43
#147: dev0R 19.12.2005 21:13

i hope nrc never do a LAN cause they will have some little prob..

explain me why? I don't hope you mean that we get any trouble?

Or do you mean we spent you all some beers? :P

0 pts #159: mood @ 19.12.2005 22:09
sry nrc aber, agree #146, #148 & #149

0 pts #160: xpd.czpore  @ 19.12.2005 22:25
ich bin au def�r dassmer nrc grad s�tt vo de ganze league usschl�sse... isch w�rkli sehr lame :)

0 pts #161: chaos el mundial @ 19.12.2005 23:09
Heeey b2l welcome to the swiss cs community !!!

Di oberchecker rl ruler, stecher und dezue no pg's hend was gseit und chlinie behinderti puportierendi goofe ohni hoor am sack lalled alles no um sich de w�g vom arsch id spiisr�hre z bahne. Ey i mein Jungs, i dere Scene hender 2 Chance, entweder ihr chr�ched �rsch als g�ngs um eures L�b� oder ihr versuech selber guet z w�rde das eu in arsch kroche wird, was dezw�sch isch wird usegekl�t.

I ch�nt ez tusig bispiel bringe, aber lueged eu doch eifach mol di� comments ah da langed scho .... oO

0 pts #162: niC @ 19.12.2005 23:13
ihr macheds euch so schw��r....tststs...

0 pts #163: ieS.FRAGBOXvicious @ 19.12.2005 23:24
forci.. u know dev0R is already drunk xD. AL

0 pts #164: xsq.FoRci @ 19.12.2005 23:38
haha vicious :-) i was thinking there is something with him, but i was never thinking that he is drunken :PPP

0 pts #165: CoOoL @ 20.12.2005 01:47
information for ShaKa vs NRC???

0 pts #166: duffsM @ 20.12.2005 02:35
u loose mothahfuckah.

0 pts #167: xsq.FoRci @ 20.12.2005 02:57
duffsm, please have a look to your comments.. you can communicate on a normal level with us but we don't tolerate your kiddie comments.....

cooool, speak with endi... he can give you some inputs

0 pts #168: pr0ph @ 20.12.2005 09:19
"duffsm, please have a look to your comments.. you can communicate on a normal level with us but we don't tolerate your kiddie comments.....

cooool, speak with endi... he can give you some inputs"

haha what a nice joke. You say duffs has kiddie comments when you have a kiddie behavior all the way. We tried to talk with you the whole game night without being able to, only getting your shitty flames on irc. You don't deserve a rematch, you deserve to disappear and that's all.

0 pts #169: /Tobi @ 20.12.2005 09:50
aahhaha sicher de risss� ping wend vo kandada mu�sch spiele das w�ri mal �berpr��f� :)

0 pts #170: xsq.FoRci @ 20.12.2005 10:08
pr0ph, i wasn't in the irc so i don't care about what happend in the irc... now it gives perhaps a rematch and? I was knowing that something will happen, because it's like the eas where very important matches have to be played...

and duffs has kiddie comment, nice arguments to speak just only about lamers and motherfuckas? HELLO normal? don't think so....

0 pts #171: BF.Neo @ 20.12.2005 10:59
#152: b2L B0NSA! 19.12.2005 21:26

Neo pls Ruhig.
Wenn �pis gege eus hesch de palts f�r dich.

ich ha n�t gege euch GHA und wenn, werd ich mich dr�ber �ssere wie es mir beliebt. ich glaub n�d das du das chasch verhindere.

usserdem wie w�rs mit me match um euche major legaue slot, s�t ja kes problem si?

0 pts #172: Nein, heute mal kein Nick @ 20.12.2005 10:47
I was knowing


0 pts #173: PeeKaa`  @ 20.12.2005 12:21
hehe neo :D ja das w�r was. sie seged ja, sie schl�nd euch. demfall m�ends ja kei angscht ha um de slot?

0 pts #174: schnaiky_ @ 20.12.2005 12:44

0 pts #175: BF.Neo @ 20.12.2005 13:17
eh hol� peekaa! �be das meini... es isch l�cherlich ;)

0 pts #176: duffsM @ 20.12.2005 13:31
lol.. come on forci stfu u stupid mofo... you are the biggest lamers ever seen

0 pts #177: shiN0R  @ 20.12.2005 13:33
#168 agree.

0 pts #178: tee @ 20.12.2005 13:47
attention pls - 178 stupid comments made so far.

0 pts #179: pr0ph @ 20.12.2005 14:36
178th being the worst of them all.

0 pts #180: xsq.FoRci @ 20.12.2005 15:32
#176 you can just only offend and cry... come down and drink something ! if you think we are lamers.. think so, I don't care about it... and over world wide web you can flame.. but come and say into my face that i'm a mofo... -> perhaps you can do it at lanforce 8 :-)

0 pts #181: niC @ 20.12.2005 15:47
aahhaha sicher de risss� ping wend vo kandada mu�sch spiele das w�ri mal �berpr��f� :)

120er ping... :DO

0 pts #182: zeitlos -_TracK  @ 20.12.2005 15:50
duffs > forci ueh ueh :D


0 pts #183: M-Hack @ 20.12.2005 16:55
don't worry #180
ShaKa >>>>> nrc

0 pts #184: fouiniii @ 20.12.2005 17:13
You know why they flame you Forci ?
Just your behavior...
You must be aware of this no ? You manage to put defwin with few teams... I thinke players of those teams didn't appreciate and now have the opportunity of whine, lame and flame.
As you are lamers, you muste be flamed... It's the consquence of your acts and your behavior...
You juste have what you must have...

So cya Mr. I know the rule of gnet and I manage to win with them ;)

0 pts #185: fouiniii @ 20.12.2005 17:15
"#176 you can just only offend and cry... come down and drink something ! if you think we are lamers.. think so, I don't care about it... and over world wide web you can flame.. but come and say into my face that i'm a mofo... -> perhaps you can do it at lanforce 8 :-)"

I think they will do it at lanforce #8.

0 pts #186: CoOoL @ 20.12.2005 17:30
I have always no info....

0 pts #187: xsq.FoRci @ 20.12.2005 17:37
they? it's just duffs, and i will have look if it's just only him or some more...

it will gives a rematch and i don't see any problem to play it.. and when we loose, we loose... where it the problem? now you have time to train :-) so perhaps cu on server and gl hf
but i speak here just only for my opinion and not for the whole team....

0 pts #188: pr0ph @ 20.12.2005 18:47
hey let's stop with the cu at lan bullshit, that's rubbish.

Summary: you're a team most teams had problems with. Always the same schedule/steamid problems. You get wins by (ab)using rules. You're nothing but fair-play. You definitely deserve the Swiss Lameass Clan Award (yet that's an award, and probably the only one you will get - be happy).

Now I wonder, how come you're not banned from all gNET leagues when everyone I spoke to told me "yeah they are lame and always bring trouble into the league, everyone knows that". Only god knows I guess.

You're getting a rematch - how fair. Again, you're the abusing team, and you're still getting an easy judgment. In the same situation versus you, ShaKa when I wasn't in the lineup yet got a deflose last year, but you must have some kind of angel protecting you, as you still get a rematch. I find it unfair for us, but hey that's life I guess.

Teams like you are a shame. Every team we spoke to about rescheduling a match or anything, it went PERFECTLY OK in the most fair-play way, you're the only team making troubles. We propose 5 other dates, you answer "no we can't", perfectly knowing we are not able to play at the normal time. That's your brilliant tactic to get cheap wins, and you didn't get any punishment for it yet. If only we could get a little more support from gNET admins, and if they finally took the good decision to get rid of that kind of unfair teams, that would be nice but I'm too optimistic.

You deserve no fucking respect.

0 pts #189: pr0ph @ 20.12.2005 20:11
ok, here's the situation:

Yesterday Endi asked us when we would be available for a rematch: we said Tuesday and Wednesday @ 21:00

random`endi this week
random`endi what is your favorit day?
random`endi and time
[ShaKa]pr0ph`tm we would be available tuesday and wednesday at 21:00

CoOoL spent more than an hour now to get in touch with someone to confirm date and time, without being able to get an answer.

Therefore: as it seems like you won't be able to be here tonite, this leaves only tomorrow at 21:00. Be on the server at that time. At 21:20, we request a defwin. That's normal, aren't we the ones that were on scheduled time on the server on Sunday? And now we are the only ones that are trying to organize the rematch - in YOUR favor. Seems like you're not really interested in finding a date and time.

So I repeat: tomorrow 21:00 same server as sunday. You're not there in time, bye-bye. Don't try to pm us, we won't answer. Be there and that's all.


0 pts #190: tschebo @ 20.12.2005 20:23
shaka 4 win!!!

0 pts #191: xsq.FoRci @ 21.12.2005 08:42
same pw how last sunday?

i'll be there :-)

0 pts #192: pr0ph @ 21.12.2005 09:27
yes, same password.

0 pts #193:  @ 21.12.2005 12:08
Wenn ihr nur 1 mol chli mtidenke w�rdet den w�r da doch kei sach. aber hey, wieso w�nd mir am sunntig n�d am 9ni spiele? GENAU wills zspot isch.. und jetzt ch�med ihr scho wieder mit 9ni? eventuell mol n�d so viel vor em pc wixxe und mol i � buechluege oder so den w��r alles eifacher...

0 pts #194: pr0ph @ 21.12.2005 12:35

SPEAK ENGLISH DAMN fucking respect

if you're not happy with playing at 9, maybe try to answer on irc or at least contact us to find a date and time? anyways you are too young and need to go to bed at 9 or what?

0 pts #195: xsq.FoRci @ 21.12.2005 13:40
pr0ph not everybody can speak english... and you understand german so where is the problem?... you can also write in french :-)

0 pts #196: pr0ph @ 21.12.2005 13:45
I quite understand PROPER german, not schwitzertutsch. I only assumed he was complaining about playing at 9 because of "sunntig n�d am 9ni spiele", but I didn't get the overall message. I hope Modano goes to school? Maybe he's able to write a few simple sentences in english? I'm not asking for an essay ffs

0 pts #197:  @ 21.12.2005 14:16
i speak englisch very well, br�ckelwis und n�d ganz schnell.
et je parle aussi francais
aber it me tuen beaucoup a shitting to parle mit vouz.

yes i go to school, i am 12 years old, is this a problem for you ma friend? if it is i can go to my big brother! you understand?
and so plz, 20.00 gl hf. und wenn au �berlege w�rsch, en match mit 2 maps got l�nger als am 9ni ALSO SICHER N�d den is bett.. �berleg doch eifach mol mit wenn eine fertigmache w�tsch.. guet i main, h�sch mi fast zum br�hle brocht.. aber mini arbeitskollege h�nd mi gad no ufheitere ch�ne i dems mir � bild vo dinere hackfresse zeigt h�nd.

0 pts #198: pr0ph @ 21.12.2005 14:50

We asked 21:00. Not 20:00. If you have homerworks to do, make them before coming at 21:00, and that's fine.

Why should we ALWAYS adapt to you and never the other way around? I'm tired of your non-fairplayness.
21:00 is too late for you? 20:00 is too early for me. I work and finish late, I need to get home, eat and prepare myself. 20:00 is too early.

Why should I adapt and not you for once?

0 pts #199: CoOoL @ 21.12.2005 14:46
if 21:00 is too late for you, stop cs and go watch tv thx...

0 pts #200: CoOoL @ 21.12.2005 14:46
21:00 map nuke = 45 min
21h50 map dust2 = 45 min

TOTAL you are in bed at 22h45 MAXIMUM

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